Early Detection of Language Disorders (Faseeh)

Early Detection of Language Disorders (Faseeh)

Early Detection of Language Disorders (Faseeh)

A training program has been implemented to assist caregivers in nurseries with early detection of language disorders.

The program provides training for parents on communication and speech techniques, with the aim of helping children overcome speech delays, improving their overall quality of life. The Faseeh initiative aims to detect language disorders in early childhood, which are the most prevalent and least detected disabilities, in more than 10,000 children aged 8 months to three years old in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

The initiative seeks to raise community awareness about the importance of language development and provide advanced training programs for staff in nurseries and children's centers. It also involves conducting regular surveys to understand language disorders and sharing that information with community stakeholders. Since its launch, Faseeh has garnered support and established strategic partnerships with over 15 governmental and non-governmental organizations.

A key aspect of the initiative is the implementation of an evaluation and early intervention protocol, developed by the Early Detection and Intervention Committee based on best practices. This includes a comprehensive evaluation session and four remote treatment sessions conducted by a language specialist and overseen by two licensed professionals from the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties.


Ynmo Tifli App for language skills improvement:

App Store


  • The family conducts the initial examination of the child through the application.
  • If the result indicates a risk in language development, a comprehensive assessment session is conducted for the child by a language and speech pathologist.
  • If the assessment determines that the child requires early intervention, the child receives 4 early intervention sessions by a language and speech pathologist.